Autor Wiadomość
PostWysłany: Pią 10:37, 25 Mar 2011    Temat postu: A Diet of Worms_2271

I must have got up on the wrong side of the bed today. My day started bad and went downhill from there. Here are a few of the 'wrongs' that I was feeling:
o I just knew all my recent decisions were wrong
o My hair looked horrible - I just could not get it to behave
o I was not feeling loved - people just hang around me because they need something
o I was heading off to work for yet another day of no respect
o I was fat, ugly and I had no shoes to wear
So you see my day was horrible. You can surely understand why I was griping and whining.
Worms are those insistent negative thoughts that keep trying to wiggle their way into our minds. And I was on a very unhealthy mental diet of them.
Is your diet filled with worms? They are easy to identify. You don't even need to read one of those difficult nutrition charts to find them. Here are a few clues to help you determine your daily intake of worms:
1. Worms almost always start with the word "I", and if they don't they will contain the words "my", "mine" or "me". They are only interested in self.
2. Worms are never positive although they do not mind hearing positive self-interested comments from others in response to their negative comments. ("I look ugly." "No you don't. You are beautiful.")
3. Worms want to be heard. They look for people to talk with to help spread their negativity.
4. Worms would rather be alone to sulk than to be with someone who has a positive attitude.
As soon as I determined that I was on a worm-filled diet I decided to make some changes. It is really quite simple to rid yourself of those slippery, devious worms. Here are a few ideas:
1. Say WORMS as loud as you can. It will make you laugh and start your attitude change.
2. Get away from anyone who is passing out worms - stay away from negative influences.
3. Make it a point of praising someone
4. Find someone who needs some help - and help them
5. Compliment another person to a third party
6. Be open and loving
7. Be cooperative
How has your mental diet been today? Was it filled with self-interested negativity; those worms? Or were you on a healthy positive diet?
When circumstances are somewhat "normal", you are in complete control of the joy within your day. Even when there are unexpected circumstances you are in control of your reactions or responses. If you find yourself having an awful day, if you just feel as if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed,G-Star Jeans, take a moment to look at the clues listed above and see if you are on a bad mental diet.
If you find that you are being unduly negative say WORMS and then change your perspective. Start right now. The people who love you are waiting...
For us, Halloween was here. Some of the older folks were concerned about tomorrow night, which was really Halloween night. We had been told, "Tomorrow night you are not leaving this house." The story was the same with all of us. There was a conspiracy among the older folks. They had it in their heads to spoil our tricking, but our plans were already made, and we had taken what our folks had said into account. We would do our tricking on this night, the night before Halloween and forget about the treats of tomorrow night.Our plan was for all of us to get out of the house as quickly as we could after supper. If your folks raised suspicions, then you were to sneak out before supper. After all, what is a meal missed when the fun of Halloween was about to begin?
Just before supper, Wizzer gave our signal then hollered for me from outside the kitchen door just like we had planned. Mom never could say no to Wizzer. I had never told Wizzer about this, but one day I had heard Mom say that she felt sorry for him, what with him being a change of life baby and all. It wasn't my intent to spy on her. This particular conversation was overheard at one of her gabfests with her friend Julia. I was only trying to do what I had been trying to do with no luck at all for as long as I could remember. Namely, it was to see Mrs. Wetzel sleeping and doing something that took some watching and being careful. Just now, they was pitting and peeling peaches and getting them ready for canning.

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