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Wysłany: Pon 17:07, 14 Lut 2011 Temat postu: 柠檬茶减肥 |
食疗法减肥不仅能补充相应的营养,ghd,还可以节约不少时间,不需要去健身房,ghd straighteners,不需要大汗淋漓。因此食疗减肥最受欢迎。
1,柠檬香蕉减肥茶:材料:新鲜香蕉2片,鲜柠檬1片,菊花9朵。制法:先把杯子温热,投入菊花和柠檬,注入开水,盖上盖子浸泡五分钟;把柠檬菊花茶去渣,放入香蕉片,在茶中稍加浸泡即成。功效:这是一道抑制食欲从而减肥的柠檬茶,cheap ghd straighteners。柠檬的酸和香蕉的涩一旦混合,就会产生化学作用,可以控制饥饿感。
2,柠檬蜂蜜酒:材料:柠檬汁1汤匙,hair straighteners,蜂蜜1汤匙,白兰地酒适量。做法:将柠檬汁、蜂蜜和白兰地酒混合,晚间饮用。功效:这种酒既可帮助入睡,提高睡眠质量,也有益于养颜、减肥。
3,柠檬海带减肥茶:材料:海带100克,柠檬汁100克,冰糖少许。做法:将海带洗净后切条,放在奶锅里加清水及100克鲜柠檬汁煮沸,放凉后加少许冰糖调味饮用,ghds。功效:海带含碘,可促进甲状腺素分泌,提高新陈代谢,ghd australia,柠檬汁能舒张软化血管,加速血液循环,还可增进胃肠消化功能,cheap ghds。这种茶可以消除积滞在皮下的脂肪,ghd iv styler,达到减肥目的,ghd straightener。
ghd IV Styler Technical Features:
Advance Ceramic Heaters: ghd Styler 4 comes with ultimate surface for the static free sheen
New Rounder Barrel: For perfect curl, straighten or flicks, as well as the perfect straight,ghd hair straightener, the rounder barrel of ghd Styler 4 gives you ultimate control. Its so easy to create waves, curls and flicks that you'll never need the same look twice.
Unique digital technology: Improved temperature control for even better styling, feel more confident with ghd Styler 4.
Shiver mode: Internal condensation can damage stylers. So when the room temperature is below 8deg.C, your ghd styler will shut down to protect itself until the temperature rises again.
Swivel cord attachment: Swivel cord attachment of ghd Styler Mark 4 helps stop the cord from becoming twisted.
Floating Plates: Floating plates in ghd ensures even pressure distribution.
Create the Goddess new styles for your baby'sself with ghd mark 4 styler and be as well groomed as your friend are well versed. your friend also can even curl with it. Do whatever you want with this handy styler. You can choose the new 2010 lastest pink ghd, ghd color collection,ghd hair, precious ghd, purple ghd, pure or dark limited edition,ghd hair straighteners, or black, hot pink, kiss pink, gold, even or the "rare" which comes in a leopard print case.
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