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PostWysłany: Pon 20:59, 17 Sty 2011    Temat postu: tory burch shoes Diamond composite materials and c

Diamond composite materials and carbide cutting tool wear compared with

WC was significantly better than the performance of rock cutting pick. In the same cutting conditions, WC pick tool showing serious wear, but no significant wear TSDC pick. WC pick with cutting drum (or disc) was significantly greater than the thrust cutter drum with TSDC thrust. 4, the tool wear on from two different mechanisms acting on the cutting force. When the tool wear increases, the cutting depth will be reduced, which will lead to a decline in cutting force. But when the tool wear, with the corresponding increase of cutting force, friction will increase. Thus, cutting forces may increase or decrease, depending on which play a major role in cutting mechanism. Thanks: consent of the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Exploration and Mining Research Institute Dr. Li Xingsheng's consent, to introduce readers to this article translated into Chinese, in which only thank the original author. Jiang Rong Chao translated IDR1/08, 51 ~ 54 References [1] J. A. MartinandR. J. Fowell, FactorsGOv-erningtheOnsetofSevereDragToolWearinRockCutting, IhtJRockMechMinSci, 1997,34, P59-69. (2] J. N. Boland,tory burch shoes, X. S. Li, H. Alehossein, etal, AbrasiveWearBehaviourofDiamondCompos a 32iteCuttingElements, Intertech2003, July28 a August1, Vancouver, Canada, 2003, Proceed-ingsCD. [3] RI.arsson, N. Axen, T. Ekstrorn, etal, WearofaNewTypeofDiamondComposite, IhtJRefractoryMetals8HardMaterials, 1999,17, P453-46O. [4] I. M. Hutchings,ugg boots günstig, Tribology: FrictionandWearofEngineeringMaterials, Oxford: Butter-worth-HeinemannFub1., 2001, P273. [5] J . A. Williams, WearModelling: AnaLlytical, ComputationalandMapping: aContinuumMe-chanicsApproach, Wear ,magasin moncler,1999,225-229, P1-17. [6] N. Cook, ToolWearandToolLife, AETransactions, JEngInd, 1973,95 (11), P931-938 . [7] L, J. Yang, DeterminationoftheWearCoef-ficientofTungstenCarbidebyaTurningOpera-tion, Wear, 2001,250, P368-375. [8] G. S. Upadhyaya,goedkope uggs, CementedTungstenCar-bides, NewJersey: NoyesPublications, 1998, P196-197. [ ,],[-WearMonitoringinMetalCuttingOpera-tionsaReviewofMe Hill ods.IntJofMachToolsandManu, 2000,40 (Cool,uggs nederland, P125-138.


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